Scotia Metamorphic Complex (2) with abundant interleaved units of ocean floor derived sequences of uncertain (probable Permian - early Jurassic) age. The oceanic elements include marble, amphibolite and epidote amphibolites, metapelite and metachert which were juxtaposed with the Scotia Metamorphic Complex (2) during Late Triassic / early Jurassic deformation at epidote amphibolite facies metamorphic grade. The mixed unit is exposed on Signy Island, Coronation Island and the Inaccessible Islands.
Permian - Early Jurassic
Map Reference
Flowerdew, M. J. & Haselwimmer, C. E. Geological Map of the South Orkney Islands (1:150 000 scale). Sheet 2, (British Antarctic Survey, 2011). Available here.