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Basaltic volcanic breccias, aphanitic basaltic-andesite lavas and basaltic pillow lavas (at Sighing Peak). Interbedded with coarse-grained, immature sandstones and cobble/boulder conglomerates. Outcrop through central Adelaide Island from Mount Vélain to Bond Nunatak and Lagoon Island. Probable age of ~75 Ma (Griffiths & Oglethorpe, 19981).


Late Cretaceous (~75 Ma)

Map Reference

Riley, T. R., Flowerdew, M. J. & Haselwimmer, C. E. Geological Map of Adelaide Island, Graham Land (1:200 000 scale). Sheet 2, (British Antarctic Survey, 2011). Available here.


  1. Griffiths, C. J. & Oglethorpe, R. D. The stratigraphy and geochronology of Adelaide Island. Antarct. Sci. 10, 462–475 (1998).